Hi my friends!
I thought I should write a piece from my vacation talking about how important it is, for all of us, to really relax, once in a while.
It is really easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of "musts" and "have to's" of todays society and forget that the brain needs to be fed more than just tasks in order to thrive.
As a pilot for my current airline I get 28 days of Annual Leave per year. That might not sound like much but if you remember that we normally work on a fixed 5/4 roster it means that 5 days of annual leave will actually turn into 13 days of leave. (4+5+4).
This means that there is every possibility to travel and relax in this line of work and I recommend that you really do so.
Because of the nature of our work we tend to have problems getting Annual Leave during the peak traveling seasons. During the summer it is rare to get more than maximum one week of summer holiday unless you have high seniority or your company have different deals in place. (The A/L policy differs wildly depending on company and what type of operation it does). This should not stop you from traveling though. During the autumn and early spring there are great deals on traveling all over the world and even though the weather might be miserable in your part of the world it will be great somewhere else. Go there!
When I have A/L I try and leave the flying well behind me. I often get asked if I fly recreationally and the answer in my case is no. When I am off I try and stay with my family, visit relatives/friends, hang by the pool or go fishing.
I don't want to go to and airport because I want to make sure that I get a clean brake to not wear down my passion and interest for my job.
My new project with my youtube page, company and blog are already affecting my ability to relax completely and thats why I am not producing during my summer holidays.
I am writing this while I am waiting for my wife to finish breakfast before todays adventures!
I am always telling you guys to remember your friends and family and to make the most with your time with them. You will never regret the time spent with them and never postpone it, you never know when you will have a chance again, especially if you have elderly relatives.
This is why I have done something this week that I highly recommend you all to do. I have done an interview with my grandparents and recorded it.
Consider doing that yourself!
Sit down and ask them some questions about their childhood, how they met, what the liked and if they have any advice for coming generations.
It will be worth gold for you once they are gone!
Now I will go out and continue to enjoy!
Have a fantastic week and remember to take care of each other and be nice to people around you. Remember that good things happens to good people!!

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faizan badar (Tuesday, 26 July 2016 12:23)
Well everyone deserves a break - Its great to hear that you are enjoying your time with your family and friends.
Unfortunately my granddad passed last year, and my grandma passed a few years ago, but I have a great uncle who used to fly the boeing 747 for PIA who I can interview.
I will try to enjoy myself as much as possible during these holidays. Enjoy your time off!
Rob (Wednesday, 27 July 2016 11:23)
Sankalp Mukim (Wednesday, 27 July 2016 15:06)
Always nice to hear from you and yes enjoy your vacations.
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